Monday, February 7, 2011


 Bonjour Amigos,
        sorry its been so long. Today i thought i would talk a little bit about the unown pokemon, They may not be so useful to the average player... but to me they are magic! trade them for seals! (which are amazing and i will talk about later) Learn how to read and write in unown! ( i can read it and am learning how to write it) CATCH EM' ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Here kids now go study -

Stay in school,
Mrs. Shay

  Hey guys! -
So for this post i thought i would sow you guys one of my favourite apps! This app is called dex, a pokemon browser. Its completly free and very helpful to any pokefans! Its your free of charge sneak peak to the new fifth generation pokemon. Scroll down the list until you find a pokemon you want to learn about tap their name and volia, you are led to that pokemons profile! (see pic on the left) tap their picture and here their cry!!! And remember this app takes you all the way to the last pokemon of the fifth generation!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Kawaii Kigurumi


            Awwwwww! Kawaii! Check out this adorable kigurumi, Based on some of our favourite      pokemon characters: Mew,Piplup and of course Pikachu! What is Kigurmi you may ask? Well straight from the words of google, Kigurmi  is the Japanese name for costumed performers who represent cartoon characters, often animals. Ok, so looking back at that definition it does  not properly define Kigurumi. So i guess i will just create a modified version, Kigurumi is japanese, it really just means costume pajamas. see picture above. That's better. 

Point of Post:
Kigurumi is a cute and comfortable way to sleep in style! its definetly on my wishlist! <3